Bonnyville Support Services

  • Action For Healthy Communities - Bonnyville

    Action for Healthy Communities (AHC) supports people new to Canada with adjusting to Canadian expectations, learning about programs and services, and accessing local resources.

  • AHS North Zone Addictions & Mental Health Virtual Workshops

    A series of zoom sessions on a variety of topics

    Educational sessions provided by Mental Health Therapists

  • Alberta Healthy Living Programs

    The Alberta Healthy Living Program (AHLP) provides services to those with chronic conditions in communities throughout Alberta. These services include information, education, techniques, and support to help improve your health and quality of life with a chronic condition.

  • Alberta Supports Centre - Bonnyville

    Alberta Supports can help you access more than 30 programs and 120 services for seniors, people with disabilities, job seekers, parents and families, homelessness, financial assistance, abuse, and family violence prevention.

  • Apidae Compassion Care

    Apidae Compassion Care

    Apidae Compassion Care provides quality Home Support Services for Seniors and people with chronic illnesses or disabilities, to help them live a more fulfilling and enjoyable life. Services include assistance with personal care, light housekeeping, transportation to appointments, recreational activities, and respite care.

  • Better Choices, Better Health Programs

    Alberta Health Services (AHS) workshop series designed to help people manage chronic disease or chronic pain.

    The six-week online program is helping remove barriers and improve access to important tools and support.

    North Zone contact: 1-877-349-5711

  • Anger Management Group - A Better Way

    Separate Men’s Group and Women’s Group

    A Better Way deconstructs and identifies those intense feelings and can teach you the skills needed to work through them, to nurture and create healthy relationships.

    For information or to register
    Contact Lauren at 780-343-0409

  • Bloom Resource Hub

    Bloom Resource Hub

    -Child Coaching Programs (ages 5-12y)
    -Child and Youth Counseling Services (ages 10-18y)
    -Educational Advocacy

    Counseling often focuses on the past, and helps children explore and work through trauma, and psychological issues.

    Coaching,  while trauma informed, is focused on the present moment and looks toward the future, helping kids build skills, confidence, and strategies to identify and achieve their goals.

    Ph: (780)-201-1140

  • Bonnyville Child Health Team

    Services for children ages 0 – 5 years (must not be in school yet)

    Services for children and their families on sleep, eating, toileting, behavior, routines, including services for children with developmental delays and / or disabilities.

    Parents can self-refer. Referral can be made from a professional with the parent’s consent

    Programs include:
    -Early Childhood Intervention Program
    -Speech Language Services
    -Occupational Therapy Services
    -Physiotherapy Services
    -Addictions & Mental Health Services
    -Nutrition Services
    -Audiology Services

    Ph: 780-573-6162

  • Bonnyville Family & Community Support Services (FCSS)

    The Bonnyville and District FCSS provides preventative social programs such as community workshops, kids programming, parenting support, seniors supports, and client advocacy. This includes a volunteer income tax program for low-income individuals or families. Services to help seniors get information and supports regarding seniors’ benefit, Old Age Security, and CPP, and Meals on Wheels. As well as parenting workshops, playschool drop in programs, and parent and child programs.

  • Bonnyville Food Bank

    Bonnyville Food Bank

    The Food Bank provides emergency assistance to low-income families who fall short of food during the month. It also provides food for those that have recently moved into town for employment and don’t have the means to buy groceries.

  • Bonnyville Indian Metis Rehabilitation Centre

    Bonnyville & Lakeland’s Addiction Treatment Facility

    This rehabilitation program is 28 days with Adult Co-Ed Residential and is based on the AA philosophies.

    60424 Range Road 464A, South of Bonnyville Beach

    Phone: 780-826-3328

  • Bonnyville Municipal Library

    Weekly programming for children.

    Youth and adult programs and recreational activities including NERF battles and various workshops.

  • Bonnyville Friendship Centre

    The Bonnyville Friendship Centre provides a multitude of programs and services designed to assist people of all ages and from all walks of life. Some of the programs we offer include:

    -Clothing Depot
    -Community development
    -Community referral
    -Cultural programming
    -Elders program
    -Employment services & referral
    -Community events
    -Food bank
    -Soup kitchen
    -Volunteer income tax

  • Bonnyville Seniors Drop In Centre

    Bonnyville Seniors Drop In Centre

    Bonnyville Seniors Drop In Centre provides the opportunity to participate in social and recreational activities.

    4813 47 Ave, Bonnyville, Alberta
    Phone - 780-826-3619

    Office hours:
    Monday to Thursday 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
    Friday by appointment

  • Bonnyville Victim Services

    Bonnyville Victim Services

    Crisis Intervention

    We are here to assist when catastrophe strikes. We offer support, assistance and direction with diligence, discretion and compassion. We will be there for you no matter what challenges you are struggling with; challenges that can include:

    Ways We Can Help

    -Grief and trauma from tragedy or loss
    -Domestic violence
    -Stress management and minimization
    -Negative social behaviours such as stalking, date violence and bullying
    -Personal safety solutions
    -Court process guidance
    -Victim benefits and restitution
    -Relationship support

    4515 54 Avenue Bonnyville AB

    Phone 780-343-725

  • Capella Centre - Columbus House of Hope Shelter

    Capella Centre - Columbus House of Hope Shelter

    St. Paul, Alberta


    Education on Abuse and Family Violence

    Peer-to-peer support groups and one-on-one sessions are available daily. Education and awareness topics include family violence, harassment, abuse and neglect.

    Our Child Support Worker will be on hand throughout your time in the shelter to provide one-to-one support for your children during what is likely to be a difficult and confusing time for them. Should a child need help from a child psychologist, we can assist you with direct access to a trained child psychologist for any child aged 3 to 17.

  • The Dragonfly Centre

    The Dragonfly Centre

    Provides FREE 12 individual counselling sessions for adults and children

    • Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    • EMDR Therapy

    • Play Therapy

    • Supportive Counselling

    We work collaboratively with local service providers such as Victim Service Units, RCMP, hospitals, and other health care centres to provide clients with an integrated system of support.

    Case consultations available to schools, community organizations or workplaces looking for information and/or guidance with a particular situation

    *RCMP & Court accompaniments are available during business hours

    TOLL-FREE: 1-866-300-4325

  • Dove Centre - Disability Services

    Dove Centre - Disability Services

    Supports for an Inclusive Community

    Dove Centre is a non-profit agency which has been in operation in Bonnyville since 1973.

    Services include: Community Access, Supported Independent Living, Residential Services, and Employment Support.

  • Employabilities - Lakeland Employment Services

    Employabilities - Lakeland Employment Services

    We work with Albertans with disabilities to overcome employment barriers and provide the support they need to get and stay employed.

    Bonnyville: Phone 780-201-6005

  • The Hive by Kickstand

    The Hive by Kickstand

    Youth Support Services
    Wellness Mentorship
    Inclusive Spaces

    Mondays & Wednesdays :   11am-7pm

    ​For Summer (July and August) Thursdays & Fridays: 9am-5pm

    Tuesdays:  Open by appointment only 8:30am-4:30pm

  • John Howard Society

    Located behind Fountain Tire in Cold Lake

    Outreach Program
    Ph: 780-812-9183
    9am - 2pm weekdays

    Help with getting ID, tax program referrals, setting up bank account, virtual care, medical transfer, no transportation right now, detox services, can do virtual court, access phone/computer/internet

    Mat program
    Ph: 780-812-1013
    7pm to 7am daily

    Doors close at 11pm

    Max capacity (20)
    Serving men and women 18 and over
    (males separated from females)
    Meals, showers and laundry in facility.
    You cannot leave the building.
    If you leave you cannot come back in.
    Do not have to be sober – but must not be high risk

    People can drop in to have a hot meal during the day if facing food insecurity
    9am to 10am
    Lunch 12pm -1pm
    supper 7pm -8pm

  • Lakeland Centre for FASD - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

    Lakeland Centre for FASD - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

    Al-ANON Women's Support Group

    The Mothers-to-be Mentorship Program is a free, non-judgemental, 100% voluntary, one-on-one support program that assists women to have and raise healthy babies.

    The Employment Program is designed for persons aged sixteen and older, who have been diagnosed with FASD, to enhance their quality of life, pursue appropriate employment goals, increase self-reliance and community participation.

    Transition Services - Moving into adulthood—better known now as #adulting—can be especially taxing for people with FASD, so we're there to help with making the transition a little easier.

    Adult Diagnostic Services - From education and prevention right through to diagnostics at any stage of life. Our adult FASD team consists of a diagnostic coordinator, psychiatrist, addictions worker, career counsellor, neuropsychologist, PDD rep, adult support worker and legal representative.

  • Lakeland Lodge and Housing Foundation

    Provides affordable housing in the Bonnyville and Cold Lake regions. Quality supportive living communities for seniors and safe, well maintained independent living options to lower income community members with the greatest need.

    Programs include:
    Senior Self-Contained Program

    Community Housing

    Rent Supplement Programs

  • Lakeland Family Resource Network

    Lakeland Family Resource Network

    Parent Wellness Compass

    We discuss dealing with guilt and grief, managing stress, improving communication, navigating the system and planning for the journey ahead.

    Parent Coaching

    Facilitated by caring and non-judgmental professional who understands how difficult care giving can be. You take the lead in one-on-one sessions aimed at helping you find alternative perspectives, uncover strategies to shift behavior, and help to achieve parenting goals

    TripleP Parenting

    Triple P helps you:

    Manage misbehavior, Set rules and routines, Encourage behavior you like, Take care of yourself as a parent, and Feel confident you’re doing the right thing

    Love and Logic

    Program for parents who have youth with high needs or have challenging pasts.

    Establishing healthy boundaries, avoiding destructive power struggles, overcoming defiance, and guiding these youth toward success.

    Phone: 780-826-2120

  • Native Counselling Services of Alberta

    Native Counselling Services of Alberta

    Kiyôhkatowin Home Visitation Program
    St. Paul, Cold Lake & Bonnyville

    Kiyôhkatowin means “visiting” in Cree. Our Home Visitation Workers will mentor pre-natal women, parents and caregivers in their home/community by supporting children’s growth and development through deliberate and culturally appropriate caregiving.

    Wâhkômiwêw Connections Program
    St. Paul, Glendon, Bonnyville and Cold Lake area

    Wâhkômiwêw (wah ko mee wayo) means “being connected to people” in Cree. Our Wâhkômiwêw Navigators will support youth, their parents and caregivers to develop Individual Healing and Connection Plans. Plans will build on individual and family strengths to create positive change. Services open to ALL members of the community!

    Indigenous Courtwork Program

    Indigenous Offender Reconciliation

    Residential School Health Support

  • Stepping Stones Crisis Society

    Stepping Stones Crisis Society

    Formerly Dr. Margaret Savage Crisis Centre.

    A 27 bed emergency shelter dedicated to assisting women and their children in need of short-term emergency accommodations.

    Joie’s Phoenix House, a Second Stage Women’s Shelter Program, offering safe, affordable housing and programming to families choosing to leave an abusive relationship.

    A community support program that offers 1:1 supports to all women who are struggling with an unhealthy or abusive relationship or have left one.

    Public Education, bringing community awareness and education about Family Violence to the Lakeland area.

    A 24-hour helpline offering confidential support, information, and referrals to anyone who calls.

    Helpline: 780.594.3353

  • Tribal Chiefs Employment & Training Services Association

    Tribal Chiefs Employment & Training Services Association

    Virtual employment counselling services

    Local First Nations Child Care options (Cold Lake)

    TEAMS Alberta Bonnyville

    Cell: (780) 812-5751

    (Main Office)

  • 2nd Floor Women’s Recovery

    2nd Floor Women’s Recovery

    The 2nd Floor Women’s Recovery Centre is a 9 bed live-in addiction recovery centre exclusively for women. Priority is given to women who are pregnant, or at risk of getting pregnant. You do not have to be pregnant to attend the 2nd Floor. Located in Cold Lake, AB.

A comprehensive guide to HEALTH and WELLNESS services.